Teaching and Learning
The Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies complements and enriches the degree syllabuses offered by the University of Macerata While remaining distinct from the University curriculum, the School provides a…
Networks The "G. Leopardi" School of Advanced Studies is part of a nationwide network of elite institutions, forming a vibrant ecosystem of education and research. We collaborate on numerous initiatives…
Learn, learn to learn, and cultivate a curious and open mind Immerse yourself in the thrill of discovery and the challenge of understanding. Develop the ability to engage deeply with…
Contact Us
Contact Us Direttrice Prof.ssa Carla Dananiemail carla.danani@unimc.it Segreteria amministrativa e didattica Via Antonio Gramsci, 3862100 Macerataemail scuolastudisuperiori@unimc.itpec scuolastudisuperiori@pec.unimc.it Personale tecnico-amministrativo Michela SalvucciTel. +39 0733 258 5803, email michela.salvucci@unimc.it Sabrina SaviTel.…
Faculty The School's courses are enriched by the expertise of distinguished scholars from both Italian and foreign universities, as well as prominent figures from the scientific and business communities. [sgl_loop_by_year_docenti…
Collaboration Benefits
Collaboration Benefits These partnerships offer valuable opportunities for students to gain practical experience, engage with real-world projects, and understand editorial and professional workflows. Such experiences enrich your studies, prepare you…
International Masterclasses and Collaborations The School actively fosters international experiences and research collaborations. Bando Masterclass École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - Paris "Life, Nature, Artifice, betweenQuality and Quantity”…
Student Rights and Duties
Rights and Duties Student Rights Admission to the School grants you the following benefits: Free room and boardRegardless of your financial or family background, you will receive free food and…