The School

The Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies is dedicated to nurturing your talent and potential. We offer exceptional resources to prepare you for a successful future.

The School of Advanced Studies is a high-level school that complements university courses, with an innovative, interdisciplinary, and international character aimed at preparing students for the world of research and professions.

The School

The Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies, established by the University of Macerata with the contribution of the Carima Foundation, was founded in 2008 as a place of high-quality training and research.

It provides advanced seminars of an innovative and interdisciplinary nature, in order to promote the most qualified preparation and to introduce students to research and the professions.

To retain their place in the School, students are required to maintain a high standard of performance in both their university courses and our internal courses.

School Diploma

The School Diploma is recognized as equivalent to a Second-Level Master’s Degree (as defined by Italian law).

Our Goals

Excellence in Training & Research
We are committed to providing exceptional training and research opportunities through the involvement of  renowned Italian and international faculty members, offering high-quality facilities and services, and maintaining a selective admissions process.

Interdisciplinary Learning
We believe in the importance of interdisciplinary learning to develop critical thinking skills and a well-rounded understanding of complex phenomena

We actively promote internationalisation through collaborations with prestigious universities abroad, offering opportunities for study and research experiences abroad

Soft Skills Development
We equip students with essential soft skills through workshops, seminars and meetings that emphasise diverse communication styles and learning methods

Benefits for Admitted Students

Full Tuition Exemption
Eliminate financial barriers to your education.

Free Accommodation and Meals
Enjoy a supportive living environment while you focus on your studies.

Dedicated Tutoring
Receive personalized guidance from a faculty advisor to support your academic and research endeavours.

Internal Mobility
Pursue opportunities within the School, including language certification and inter-school exchanges.

The University of Macerata

Founded in 1290, the University has ancient roots and a strongly innovative imprint. It offers an international campus within the city with five Departments, three Specialisation Schools, thirteen three-year degree courses, fifteen Master’s degree courses, two single-cycle degree courses, a Doctoral School, Masters, Training and refresher courses, a Summer School, a Publishing House, a School Museum, a precious book collection kept in twenty libraries, twelve computer and multimedia laboratories.

Hall of Residence

‘Matteo Ricci-Li Madou’

The School’s residence offers the opportunity for a shared and mutually supportive university experience.

Students live free of charge at the Residence, in the Lombroso Pavilion. The building is immersed in greenery and is spread over three floors with welcoming, modern furnishings equipped with all comforts.

The building has double and single rooms with bathrooms and common areas (kitchen, TV room, study room, laundry room). The rooms are equipped with furniture (bed, bedside table, wardrobe, bookcase, desk) and bed linen (including blankets) and bathroom linen. The kitchens have appliances (oven, microwave oven, fridge with freezer).

Common areas are cleaned twice a week and laundry services are provided.Management is entrusted to the Cooperative Society “Il Faro”.

University dining hall

Access to the university dining hall, located at n°. 2 Vicolo Accorretti, is free (lunch and dinner).

The university canteen is open all year round, except in August, every day (including holidays) at the following times:

• Lunch: 12,00 / 2:45 pm
• Dinner: 19,00 / 9:00 pm from April to September
7:00 / 8:45 pm from October to March

Prof.ssa Carla Danani

Direttrice 2021/2024; 2024/2027

scopri gli Organi di Governo

Why Choose the Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies?

High-calibre training and research: we offer a top-notch educational experience that pushes your academic boundaries.

Vibrant university life: immerse yourself in a supportive community where you can connect with peers and faculty.

In-depth, interdisciplinary exploration: dive deep into your chosen field while exploring connections to other disciplines.

Global perspective: gain exposure to international scholars and perspectives.

Nationally connected: collaborate with other leading Schools of Advanced Studies on exciting projects.

Active student network: become part of a dynamic national network of students from top universities.

John Mc Court

Rettore Università di Macerata

Why Choose the University of Macerata?

Rich history, bright future: established in 1290, we combine tradition with a forward-thinking approach.

Award-winning excellence: we’re recognized nationally and internationally for our outstanding academic programs.

Global connections, local focus: participate in prestigious international exchange programs while enjoying a personalized learning environment.

Modern facilities, expert faculty: our state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated professors will empower you to succeed.

Unique focus on humanities and social sciences: dive deep into these crucial fields in a university unlike any other in Italy.

Dicono di noi

La Scuola Leopardi è stata la soluzione alla titubanza con cui guardavo al mio futuro. Ogni opportunità formativa ha contribuito a disegnare la mia personalità, mi ha permesso di farmi ‘concava’ e mi ha insegnato a volare, come Perseo in un altro spazio.

Noemi Ercoli XIV Ciclo

Per me la Scuola Leopardi è libertà.
Libertà di essere se stessi e di crescere all’interno di una comunità accademica, ma anche e soprattutto profondamente umana.

Sofia Russo XI Ciclo

La Scuola è una sfida constante: mi fa conoscere me stessa e i miei limiti per poi darmi l’occasione di superarli. Offre sempre nuove opportunità accademiche, internazionali e di crescita personale e sono sicura che in futuro, ripensando a questi anni, sarò estremamente soddisfatta e grata del percorso che ho intrapreso.

Elena Dichiara XIV Ciclo

Probabilmente se si pensa a degli Studenti di una Scuola di Studi Superiori si crederà di trovarsi davanti menti eccelse che non si scoraggiano davanti a nulla, in grado di preparare esami nel minor tempo possibile: un po’ come delle macchine. Invece sono persone forti ma al contempo fragili e delicate che cercano tutti i giorni un modo per inseguire i propri sogni e insegnano che, con tenacia, costanza e soprattutto ‘insieme’, le sfide di affrontano meglio.

Serena Cinquepalmi XIV Ciclo

Sono stato il primo studente ad entrare alla Magistrale e per me è stato un enorme salto di qualità: ho avuto finalmente un luogo in cui potevo studiare e che potevo chiamare casa. Le opportunità sono state tante: dalla possibilità di migliorare la lingua inglese, fare corsi e ricerche all’estero (Stati Uniti, Monaco), partecipare a seminari di grande valore e confrontarsi con Professori di grande spessore.

Riccardo Giachini XI Ciclo

La Scuola Leopardi è occasione. Occasione di mettersi in gioco e confrontarsi con grandi personalità del mondo accademico italiano ed estero. Si ha la fortuna di vivere in un contesto culturale che stimola nuove curiosità e permette di approfondire i propri interessi. Ma soprattutto si ha l’occasione di condividere tutto questo con altri allievi e allieve, che sono un grande sostegno per superare le difficoltà e vivere a pieno la vita universitaria.

Serena Mercatili XIII Ciclo

La Leopardi rappresenta non solo un’importantissima opportunità di crescita accademica e professionale, ma anche una sfida personale grazie alla quale ho superato ostacoli che prima reputavo insuperabili. Fin dal primo momento ho trovato nella scuola una seconda famiglia: un luogo accogliente e stimolante in cui poter essere me stessa.

Chiara Roberta Deidda XIII Ciclo

La Leopardi è una grande famiglia in cui ho trovato degli amici veri, una finestra per affacciarsi al futuro e un luogo ricco di opportunità.

Eleonora Latini XIV Ciclo